Therapy for Children

Children perceive and understand the world differently from adults, and their way of expressing themselves often depends on their developmental stage and emotional maturity.

That’s why therapy with children frequently involves non-verbal methods like play and creative activities. Play is the child's natural language, and through it, we can gain insight into their emotional world.

This helps us address the issues they are grappling with and assist them in processing and understanding events. We can also observe the child’s patterns during play—are they competitive and unable to lose? Do they avoid challenges or give up easily? Do they seek to please others at their own expense? In the therapy room, we create a safe environment where the child can gradually experience new ways of responding and develop emotional understanding, flexibility, and self-awareness.

Therapy for children is conducted alongside parent consultations, ensuring that the child’s progress continues at home and in their daily life. Often, even small changes in the child’s environment or their relationship with significant adults can lead to major shifts.


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